Vitality Now LLC
World-Renowned Brain Health Specialist: “These Foods Could Have an Impact on Your Memory”
If you’re over 50 this video could be interesting to you.
Especially if you’re a cheese lover or if you love buttery popcorn…
Because new evidence has emerged that some of America’s favorite foods like popcorn and cheese could be a contributing factor in occasional forgetfulness, lack of focus, and a sluggish mind.

During this FREE presentation, Dr. Sam Walters a world-renowned brain health specialist and former NASA scientist says "The fastest way to avoid slips of the mind and normal memory decline is to stay away from certain foods, like processed cheeses."


Because processed cheese — like what you'll find in American cheese, cheese spreads and even some pizzas — contains an enzyme called diacetyl.

Diacetyl makes bland foods taste amazing...

In the case of cheese, processed cheese is softer, creamier, and basically irresistible but could contribute to forgetfulness.

The good news?

According to Dr. Walters, foods containing diacetyl, like certain cheeses, are easy to avoid… if you know what to look for.

He’s created a special FREE presentation sharing the top 5 foods he recommends to avoid…

Plus, he shares the key nutrients most people don’t get in their daily diet to fight occasional forgetfulness.

Dr. Walters will also reveal his simple at home method to help promote mental clarity …

His “Youthful Brain” formula takes less than one minute a day and can help support optimal brain health.

Now you can learn more about this formula yourself.

If you care about your memory, click the ‘play’ button below and follow the simple instructions.

About Dr. Sam Walters

About Dr. Sam WaltersDr. Sam Walters is a world-renowned brain health specialist and former NASA scientist. He's practiced medicine for almost 50 years...

And his latest research has helped thousands of patients boost their memory with his solution Youthful Brain. Learn more about Youthful Brain, one of the most effective solutions available.

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